Santa Rita Phase III - Investment Analysis

A residential development in Fajardo, Puerto Rico featuring 366 homes with 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, and open garages.

Project Financial Overview

Metric Value
Total Units366
Lot Size per Unit (sqm)300
Pre-sale Price per Unit (Low)$180,000
Pre-sale Price per Unit (High)$210,000
Pre-sale Price per Unit (Average)$195,000
Total Revenue (Low)$65,880,000
Total Revenue (High)$76,860,000
Total Revenue (Average)$71,370,000
Construction Cost per Unit$120,000
Total Construction Cost$43,920,000
Gross Profit (Low)$21,960,000
Gross Profit (High)$32,940,000
Gross Profit (Average)$27,450,000
Profit Margin (Low)33.3%
Profit Margin (High)42.9%
Profit Margin (Average)38.5%

Land Expropriation Analysis

According to the information provided, the subject parcel had a land area of 30.29 cuerda. However, after going through an expropriation process, the subject’s site size decreased from 30.29 to 20.17 cuerda. Therefore, this adjusted land area (20.17 cuerda) will be used in this report.

Expropriation Impact on Land Size

Description Area (sm) Area (Cuerda) Owner
Predio Uno 119,043.04 30.29 SIGA
Less Expropriated Land (Access Road) -37,889 -9.64 JUF
Less Expropriated Land (Water Treatment) -1,875.4696 -0.4772 AAA
Predio Uno (Net) 79,278.57 20.1728 SIGA

Zoning Regulatory Parameters

The subject land falls under the Productive Agricultural (A-P) zoning category. Below are the zoning regulations:

Parameter Details
Uses Allowed Agricultural, lodging, and residential
Minimum Lot Size 50 cuerdas
Construction Requirements The buildings or structures developed should be where they have the least negative effect on the potential agricultural production of the farm.
Front Setback 6 meters from the easements or a proposed road
Side Setback 6 meters from the easements or a proposed road
Rear Setback 6 meters from the easements or a proposed road

Santa Rita III

Get In Touch

Christian Caballer

Phone: 7874390530


Office Info

Caba Group Real Estate

PO Box 363283  San Juan,  PR  00966 

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